Elite Stats & Leagues

Fedrid Folly • 10:45

Mon 25 May 2020 @ 14:47
DoW II Elite
ID: 43100832/46713

DL Zog it
00:14Ruthless at Heartgl hf
06:16Ruthless at Heartjust so you knwo i spent 30 power in t1
08:56[BH] Rambo-just u know thats the imba of course
09:01[BH] Rambo-on t1 already OP units
09:27[BH] Rambo-i could barely touch ur gens at some point
09:41[BH] Rambo-and its always the same strategy for all players
09:48[BH] Rambo-rush t2 for a GG
09:49Ruthless at Heartwhat
09:54Ruthless at Heartusually i fully upgrade shootas
09:59Ruthless at Heartliterally the exact opposite lol
10:07[BH] Rambo-u spent 30 power
10:13[BH] Rambo-u said
10:17Ruthless at Heartyes
10:20Ruthless at Heartusually i do the opposite
10:24[BH] Rambo-thats whu i rushed ur power early
10:25Ruthless at Heartand spend a lot
10:36[BH] Rambo-coz i know all ork players do that same strategy
10:39[BH] Rambo-rush t2
10:41Ruthless at Heart...