Elite Stats & Leagues

Calderis Refinery • 18:57

Wed 22 Apr 2020 @ 21:09
DoW II Elite
ID: 42589673/44806

DL Zog it
Bruce Campbell
00:14SenpaiTorpidDowgl hf
00:24SenpaiTorpidDownvm still got lag spikes reeee
00:29SenpaiTorpidDowwill have to restart internet after this
00:35Pewpewsupernoob question, what nid melee units are good vs WL?
00:52[BH] Along Came A Spiderwait wat
00:57[BH] Along Came A Spideruhhhhh
01:00sphenomzis good
01:04[BH] Along Came A SpiderGenestealers
01:33Pewpewmelee warriors?
02:04[BH] Along Came A Spidersort of? They can bully him if WL doesn't have a weapon upgrade
02:19Pewpewk thx
06:14AntandronIs this the first Ork 1111 I've seen?
06:26[BH] Along Came A Spidervery strange yeh
09:07Antandronerr what how did he kill the chimera so quickly?
09:25[BH] Along Came A Spiderbeamy zapper?
09:34[BH] Along Came A Spideror, deff gun?
09:40[BH] Along Came A Spidershould only take 2 shots
09:42[BH] Along Came A Spiderto kill Chimera
09:45[BH] Along Came A Spiderfrom rear armor
09:45Antandronit was near the power
09:52[BH] Along Came A Spideroh
09:59[BH] Along Came A Spiderthat I have no cloue
10:06AntandronStormboy nob?
10:20[BH] Along Came A Spidershouldn't have 1v1ed?
10:23[BH] Along Came A SpiderI wasn't looking
11:02AntandronWingblade should try the shotgun on knob
11:12AntandronMinces GM
11:15Pewpewon the knob))))
11:29[BH] Along Came A Spiderdouble DD is kind of broken
11:47[BH] Along Came A Spiderhe probably could have just built a weird boi tbh
11:56[BH] Along Came A Spiderdunno why 2nd DD
12:54[BH] Along Came A Spideroh hey you perdicted the shotgun
13:08Antandronpay close attention
13:20[BH] Along Came A Spideroh fk
13:42Antandroncompletely obliterated 100hp models
14:08[BH] Along Came A Spideranother DD
14:52[BH] Along Came A Spiderslugga knob
14:57[BH] Along Came A SpiderLOL
15:40[BH] Along Came A Spiderman
15:42[BH] Along Came A Spiderthat tripple cap thou
15:49[BH] Along Came A Spider3 units but still total map control
15:50[BH] Along Came A Spiderinsane