Elite Stats & Leagues

Leviathan Hive • 11:50

Fri 17 Apr 2020 @ 12:57
DoW II Elite
ID: 42484370/44424

DL Zog it
00:20[RF] Inekura =][=normally there is nooo way nids lose this mu on this map
00:35Antandronwas afk
01:31[RF] Inekura =][=.
01:34Localall guys knew about shift+x command?
01:45[RF] Inekura =][=not sure
01:47[RF] Inekura =][=dude
01:50[RF] Inekura =][=if wing loses this
01:52Antandroni used to think you had to do shift commands in one go
01:54[RF] Inekura =][=he cant kick crydd out
02:01[RF] Inekura =][=so Ill have to play crydd in finals
02:06Antandrondid not know you could order, do something else then shift-order
02:29[RF] Inekura =][=how is wing on fathoms power
02:33[RF] Inekura =][=as RA
02:35[RF] Inekura =][=HOW
02:52[RF] Inekura =][=where are the ravs fathom
03:01Localwars instead
03:11AntandronPiano criticised me for trying to trade power vs Nids so maybe this is next level
03:29[RF] Inekura =][=trading pwoer vs chaos and nids is stupid
03:38AntandronBut why?
03:40[RF] Inekura =][=pls dont buy a bs on warriors
03:49[RF] Inekura =][=cus they are req reliant races
03:58[RF] Inekura =][=while races like sm and eldar are power heavy
04:32Localwing got all the tools to win now
06:13Localasm shouldnt cap
06:20Localthey should break tunnales
07:07AntandronDo units get xp for destroying tunnels?
09:38[RF] Inekura =][=.
10:00[RF] Inekura =][=I grab a drink and come back to this
10:04[RF] Inekura =][=how is the entire map bule
10:27Localas i said - wing got all the tools to win it
10:33Localand now dread to finish
11:04[RF] Inekura =][=lmao..