Elite Stats & Leagues

Calderis Refinery • 08:07

Fri 17 Apr 2020 @ 12:42
DoW II Elite
ID: 42484124/44423

DL Zog it
00:07Fathomgl hf
00:21AntandronOn Coronavirus lockdown?
00:34[RF] Inekura =][=not really
00:40[RF] Inekura =][=no work atm tho
00:46[RF] Inekura =][=nor uni
03:37AntandronHow's he going to survive without detection?
03:53[RF] Inekura =][=they both play like shit atm
04:20[RF] Inekura =][=its mind boggling
04:59[RF] Inekura =][=t2 dd gg?
05:15AntandronHe's got 2 shurikens though
05:20[RF] Inekura =][=why is fathom trying to bash now
05:24[RF] Inekura =][=shit timing
05:42AntandronTrukk would work
05:47[RF] Inekura =][=why does wing use hide da bois vs shees
05:48[RF] Inekura =][=wtf
05:52AntandronJust unload on top of Shurikens with sluggas
06:10[RF] Inekura =][=how did piano lose twice to this
06:24AntandronPiano lost to Wingblade?
06:30[RF] Inekura =][=ye
06:38[RF] Inekura =][=2 /3 times
06:42AntandronProbably on drugs
06:45[RF] Inekura =][=3rd shuri
06:47[RF] Inekura =][=gg
06:48[RF] Inekura =][=gg
06:49[RF] Inekura =][=gg
07:01[RF] Inekura =][=dont play with overwatch fathom
07:20[RF] Inekura =][=how is he going to micro 3 if he strugles to micro 2
07:27[RF] Inekura =][=like
07:33[RF] Inekura =][=they arent even covering each other
07:43[RF] Inekura =][=layer them fathom