Elite Stats & Leagues

Fedrid Folly • 32:23

Sat 11 Apr 2020 @ 23:28
DoW II Elite
ID: 42381748/44059

DL Zog it
00:17local[EL]ghosti just wanted tp say that flamer GM vs SM is a waste
00:23local[EL]ghostu should bash without flamers
24:58Katlawas prob gg losing one to many squads
25:07local[EL]ghostu t3?
26:11local[EL]ghosto r maybe not :)
26:21local[EL]ghostu t3?
26:29Katlawho knows
28:38local[EL]ghostthat lucky chim :)
28:58Katlathat is a high lord katla chimmy
29:43Katlayour vp
29:54Katlayour vp
32:17KatlaCOME ON