Elite Stats & Leagues

Calderis Desert • 30:24

Fri 10 Apr 2020 @ 21:27
DoW II Elite
ID: 42358062/43807

DL Zog it
00:13local[EL]ghostgl hf
00:30local[EL]ghostthis is one of my favorite maps
00:39Katlaquite open
00:44Katlaand plain
00:47local[EL]ghostgood for plasma dev
12:20Katlalook it buggs
12:35Katlamy callin
12:38local[EL]ghosteffect of ur bilb?
12:44local[EL]ghostturret wont show?
12:52Katlano my squads dont reinfocrce
20:33local[EL]ghosti cant kill tank without barbed wars
20:38local[EL]ghostthorax swarm snare