Elite Stats & Leagues

Fedrid Folly • 18:18

Fri 3 Apr 2020 @ 21:57
DoW II Elite
ID: 42228884/43118

DL Zog it
Kwisatz Haderach
00:08Shoulder Mountgl hf!
00:09Shoulder MountL
00:13shreeH [RF]glhf
00:13shreeH [RF]L
00:39GuruSkippysound works now
00:44Adilaok cool
01:03Shoulder Mountnoope
01:42DanielGrushinwhy chaos lord is still not renamed to chad lord?
02:00GuruSkippywell, no, we only hear your voice
02:04GuruSkippyno game sound at all
02:22Zevargeladila's voice it's enough:P
03:43GuruSkippyyou should try to do the game sound with your own voice
03:47GuruSkippypew pew pew
04:07Zevargelnext lvl patch?D
04:22Big Tiddy Eldar Waifustrike squad seem fine to me
04:40DanielGrushini really want big tiddy eldar gf right now
05:17Zevargellol look at this purgation against csm
05:24Big Tiddy Eldar Waifuits troll level
05:34Big Tiddy Eldar Waifunot setup
06:35DanielGrushinis purg update in t2 any good?
06:42DanielGrushinwhich make them pierce
07:47GuruSkippydread, game over
07:50Big Tiddy Eldar Waifugames is already over
08:13Big Tiddy Eldar Waifuunless
08:23Big Tiddy Eldar Waifuthe dread might be fucked with double havocs
08:29DanielGrushinnah no unless
08:38DanielGrushinhe will just crush his gen farm again
08:52Big Tiddy Eldar Waifumoving dread to gen farm is dangerous though
08:59DanielGrushinalso jesus christ
09:03Big Tiddy Eldar Waifuhe doesnt know if AV is already on the way
09:03DanielGrushingk dread is so bad
09:26DanielGrushinhe need some big tiddy eldar game sence
09:31GuruSkippyna, gk is good actually, i love it
09:45DanielGrushinhis melee dmg is pathethic
09:50DanielGrushineven with the melee upgrade
09:59GuruSkippybut his hp pool is insane
10:01DanielGrushinfeels like it bugged
10:04GuruSkippyin melee
10:08DanielGrushindmg>hp pool
10:27GuruSkippyand plasma dread <3<3<3
11:14GuruSkippytime to upgrade the ea
14:26GuruSkippynades upgrade ? instead of the weapon ?
14:41DanielGrushinfeeling meme
17:04Shoulder MountRQWWARR
17:07Big Tiddy Eldar Waifui keep hearing the russian trolololo song in my head
17:11Zevargelany other league after this?
17:16shreeH [RF]biogaydown
17:21shreeH [RF]raptor loss sucked
17:27DanielGrushinraaawwwr is the best 40k meme
18:08shreeH [RF]gj mount