Elite Stats & Leagues

Green Tooth Gorge • 15:07

Thu 16 Jan 2020 @ 13:23
DoW II Elite
ID: 41133612/40022

DL Zog it
00:13Reckless Chargerwho's on ur avatar?
00:22The Tensosteam?
00:24Reckless Chargery
00:30The TensoBismark
00:34Reckless Chargerah
00:54The Tensocause he was the top gun
01:04Reckless Chargeryeah
01:06Reckless Chargertalented
05:13The Tensowow
08:20Dandyso many csm
08:56AceyDespite the close calls, Local host is doing okay. Indeed reckless
09:13AceyTenso have lost so many tics
09:48DandyThink he can still win this?
10:06AceyHm, its gonna be tough
10:22DandyHe's going for tier 2 atleast
10:29AceyApothecary already level 3, almost 4 after the battles
10:47AceySo healing is gonna be much better
11:01AceyPlus Local keeps up the power bashing
11:04DandyDespite his power being under constant harasment, he's done well enough managing it.
14:11Dandysome good plays with the lib in those small engagements
14:59DandyIf Tenso can keep the BC up I think he can make a comeback still
15:01The Tensobah gg got sloppy lost too many heretic erly