Elite Stats & Leagues

Calderis Refinery • 13:01

Sat 14 Dec 2019 @ 22:20
DoW II Elite
ID: 40730412/39102

DL Zog it
00:14ManOfFaithim not sure that LC is super OP
00:22ManOfFaithi just think that IG have no need for power in T1
00:31ManOfFaithsent covers too many bases
00:32RiceMuncherthat is also tru
00:36RiceMuncherye sent broken
00:41RiceMuncherits the reair rate imo
00:45RiceMuncheror no. og gm
00:47ManOfFaithvery much so
01:01ManOfFaithrepair rate on sent is silly
01:07RiceMuncheron any veh is
04:52ManOfFaithoh cmon
04:58ManOfFaithstay in cover dummy
05:02RiceMuncheri naded him
07:06RiceMuncherits hard
07:09RiceMunchersm if they bleed
07:11RiceMuncherthey lose
07:21RiceMuncherand sent just outbleeds everything :(
07:42ManOfFaithim doing fine
08:53RiceMuncheri know sm :(
08:59RiceMuncheri cna see the pain
09:16RiceMuncherlol see
09:44RiceMuncheri hope ig gets nerfed
10:28RiceMuncherim surprsied u manged to hit t2 :O
10:35RiceMuncherif they nerf
10:38RiceMuncherrepair by 25%
10:41RiceMuncheri hink that would help
10:52RiceMuncherright now
10:58RiceMuncherthe hp trade is nothing
11:00RiceMuncheri mean
11:05RiceMuncherit takes me faster to repair
11:09RiceMuncherthen for u to heal in base
11:10RiceMuncherits bullshit
12:09ManOfFaithyah its over, i tried to not over invest in AV
12:14ManOfFaithbut then you kill nothing
12:14RiceMuncheri dont think
12:17RiceMuncheru can rush power tho
12:25RiceMuncherlike u say ig t1 stronkk
12:27RiceMuncherhere swap
12:29RiceMuncherill try sm:P
12:36ManOfFaithi dont play IG anymore
12:48ManOfFaithbut I just need to play more safe with early power
12:53RiceMuncheri shud cheese bestnoob with ig
12:55RiceMunchermake him taste