Elite Stats & Leagues

Fedrid Folly • 27:56

Mon 9 Dec 2019 @ 21:19
DoW II Elite
ID: 40557808/39029

DL Zog it
A Well-Timed Poot
00:06ManOfFaithgl hf
00:11The Tensou2
07:37Rub Me Two Times Baei'm rooting for tex so hard rn
24:35Rub Me Two Times Baemantle of hate is still retarded
25:07Rub Me Two Times Baechaos' high damage is too much when compare to their health difference to space mari
25:19Rub Me Two Times Baenes
25:28[BH] Rambo-yea
25:50Rub Me Two Times Baemantle of hate almost guarantees librarian wipe, and high chance of wipe vs. heroes
25:52Rub Me Two Times Baeit's a joke race
26:41ManOfFaithgg wp
26:44The Tensogg
26:44Rub Me Two Times Baeplasma gun given to CSM totally throws off the balance of TCSM vs CSM
27:06Rub Me Two Times BaeSM were meant to have burst vs. the spread of TCSM