Elite Stats & Leagues

Calderis Refinery • 05:45

Sat 5 Oct 2019 @ 18:50
DoW II Elite
ID: 39994706/37990

DL Zog it
00:16[SPL] OceansAteAlaskadaily reminder that oelv is gei
00:17Mycroftim hoping this one goes better for us
00:24oLevno u
00:26[SPL] OceansAteAlaskauff
00:32Crogmass t1
00:35Crogand stay with me
00:46Mycroftgoing for 2x warrs
00:50Mycroftwill put barbed on one
02:17mkz_placewelp, little bits of heretics.
02:33Horderalmost didn't make it
03:10Mycrofthavent lost anything i cant afford yet
03:20Mycroftim on the way
04:45Mycroftif we dont improve our map control soon
04:47Mycroftwe're finished
05:11Mycrofthe went hard counter
05:33Mycrofti think its over, we're trapped inside our bases