Elite Stats & Leagues

Calderis Refinery • 18:21

Sat 14 Sep 2019 @ 17:36
DoW II Elite
ID: 39788526/37583

DL Zog it
The Tenso
03:37SomonSuch patience with FC
03:56The TensoI've almost had him in this match up
04:03The Tensobut he got me late game
04:29The Tensotermies + fc beat chaos termies + cl
05:05Somonwas it like a full on lightning contact action?
05:08The Tensoyep
05:14Somonthat sounds fun
05:30The Tensowell it was a close match
06:38SomonI am really impressed by the control of FC in these early engagements
07:05Somonmaybe its cos I am a noob but just him staying in combat for so long kept qwest
07:17Somonreally busy on eastern side
07:24The Tensotrue
07:35The TensoI do love me some 2x dev
09:31SomonI think he just wants to fist it
09:36Somonwithout anything else
09:37The TensoI wonder how will qwest deal with fc now
09:47The TensoI had no idea how to manage him
09:51The Tensohe's just so tanky
10:25Somonhas as much hp as 1 termie model right now
10:30Somonwith that halo
10:35The Tensoyep
11:01Somonheavy bolter uis music to my ears
11:10The TensoI know right?
11:16The Tensosounds just lovely
11:28Somonthe animations are really kickass too
11:38Somonthe way dev holds the gun
11:49The TensoI love it when they screams WE ARE THE BRINGERS OF DEATH
12:05The Tensoand start melting units
12:07Somoncan fc win vs bl?
12:11The Tensoy
12:28The Tensowith halo it's even an easy fight
13:05Somonwow devs live
13:13The Tensoy close
14:54Somoni think he keeps the leap frogs a bit too close
15:11The Tensoleap frogs?
15:19Somonlike devs back to back
15:24The Tensooh
15:27The Tensowell y
15:43The Tensotho doesn't really matter against 2x jump squads
16:00Somonholy hell
16:04Somonresource difference
16:07Somondidnt even notice
16:14The Tensoy
16:20Somonlol lrr
16:38Somonnot that its bad, its just gross overkill
16:50The Tensonot gonna see often in a 1v1
16:52Somonor glorious, depends how you look at it
17:13Somonhe can even get some termies afterwards
18:09Somonwell, sacrificing whole army is one way to deal with that i guess
18:15Somonwith the fc