Elite Stats & Leagues

Green Tooth Gorge • 03:05

Sat 14 Sep 2019 @ 16:50
DoW II Elite
ID: 39788215/37572

DL Zog it
Shoulder Mount
00:12Not Shoulder MountI think fathom has more experience of the two
00:17Not Shoulder Mountgame hours wise
00:21Exarchhes also playing eldar
00:24Not Shoulder Mountbut he is rusty
00:32Not Shoulder Mounthasn't played for a while
00:43Exarchstill hoping to learn
00:45Not Shoulder Mountand artic really likes this map
01:00Not Shoulder Mountand probably has the better general game micro
01:19Not Shoulder Mounto:
01:46Not Shoulder Mountartic is doing strange builds that he normally doesn't do again, should be intrestin
01:57Exarchdouble csm is bad?
02:05Not Shoulder MountI would say so
02:08Not Shoulder Mountin this match up
02:43Exarchwhy would he start capping
02:49Not Shoulder Mountmisclick
02:57Exarchdead dires