Elite Stats & Leagues

Calderis Refinery • 08:07

Mon 29 Jul 2019 @ 21:33
DoW II Elite
ID: 39243890/36192

DL Zog it
Friendly Booger
00:07Adilawhy is torpid playing kickin
00:13Adilaand not panini
00:17yaaycuz kicken wants to kick his ass
00:35hey it mehaha
00:36hey it mehe afraid
00:37hey it mehaha
01:11yaaythis should be a 5 min game
01:17yaayfor kicken ofc
01:24Floidi want to play next
01:26hey it mejust buy alacrity
01:28hey it meand run at him
01:29hey it mehahayes
01:32Floidnot in the mood of obsing
01:43hey it mefloid
01:43yaayeveryone wants to play torpid
01:45hey it mewhy did u buy
01:47yaayeven non league players
01:47hey it me150 power t1
02:08Adilaspores against fc
02:10Floidlol i played without plan
02:18hey it mespores are always good
02:26hey it meu shoulda played ravener floid
02:36Floidi played it for a while
02:43Adila2 model lose pog
02:47Floidhe is pretty good
03:20Adilafc killed by spores
03:30hey it mespore op
03:36Floiddoes A LOT of damage to commanders
03:38yaayhe ha dlike 10 hp
03:43hey it meyaay
03:45hey it mecan u win league for me
03:46hey it mei need money
03:52hey it meor they'll evict me
03:59yaayur playing better than me
04:01yaayu win the league
04:03hey it meye but
04:06hey it meu used to be pr00
04:13yaaytimes change
04:16hey it meif i run out of meth
04:17hey it mei cant win
04:44yaayi think its for the better
04:46hey it meim gonna go watch stream
04:47hey it metoo lag
04:47Adiladid u got more loses after bestnub
04:59hey it mei lost 2:1 to darkhero and 2:0 to betnoob
05:00hey it methats it
05:08Adilakeep going
05:21hey it mei need anti ig strat
05:34hey it meraptors vs 2 sent and catachans dont work
05:40yaayi suck with ig and against ig
05:43hey it meye
05:58Kickinkb working as intended
05:59Adiladouble dev
06:01Adilai guess
06:07hey it medouble dev vs ig
06:08hey it meok
06:13hey it mehave fun t2
06:34yaayhe go tthis strat from lacia
06:36hey it meif i could play ig
06:38hey it meid just pick ig
06:40hey it meand mirror
06:44Adilaactually from boss kek
06:57hey it methis build is older than venjis mom
06:59Floidah its from boss?
07:01Floidgood one
07:13yaayidk who boss is
07:19yaaydoes he league?
07:20hey it mejust a boy whos afraid
07:20Adilano i got it from oceans
07:22Adilafor real
07:27hey it meboss ragequit league last time
07:30hey it meafter 1 loss vs torpid
07:36hey it mewas kinda funn
07:39Adiladouble tac dev is itchy strat
07:46Adilavs ig
07:53hey it mei need to go play torpid rn
08:04Adiladid u snorted
08:05hey it meif i snort a fat line it should be ez 2:0