Elite Stats & Leagues

Green Tooth Gorge • 13:01

Mon 17 Jun 2019 @ 23:04
DoW II Elite
ID: 38724549/35208

DL Zog it
Archaon The Never-Chosen
00:04..how about
00:07..we give chaos lord
00:10..his own banner
00:14..that triples the bonus
00:17..when he's down
01:00..as long as he doesn't have gaze of murder
01:12..well shit
02:57..yea i can still beat him since he kinda stays too long
03:06..i killed a whole squad of tacs
03:09..w/ a single squad of sluggas
03:13..i just used waaggh
03:15..and they all died
04:13..i like how brother captain couldn't even swing his sword in time
04:17..and he was standing right there
04:37..bc he likes playing vs warp spider here :3
05:05..oh so yea for garrison counter
05:09..you said you throw a nade
05:11..at the entrance?
07:07..rip apoc
07:24..and survive while charging
07:28..tics can't do that either xD
07:55..he lost a whole squad there
09:10..librarian has word of the emperor?
09:12..i forget
12:04..he can switch ammunition types whenever?