Elite Stats & Leagues

Calderis Desert • 10:39

Sat 1 Jun 2019 @ 15:51
DoW II Elite
ID: 38530420/34882

DL Zog it

Alice KN

ben1993 LA
Shoulder Mount
00:05Shoulder Mountoof
00:10ben1993gl hf
00:19Shoulder Mountdoes piano hate orks more or eldar more?
01:30oLevcunning brutality vs brutal cunning
02:04Shoulder MountPiano got mad at me for not winning fast enough with orks against him earlier today
02:06Shoulder Mount;-;
02:22oLevdid u win tho?
02:39Shoulder Mountyea but did the whole cheesy trukk and tankbuster thingy
03:14Shoulder Mountblagh t1 storms
03:16Shoulder Mountagainst lictor
03:29Shoulder Mounto:
03:37Shoulder Mountheally weapon wargear
03:39Shoulder Mountand not slowly
03:57Shoulder Mountwalp nvm
04:03Shoulder Mountthat paid for it self
04:04Shoulder Mountlol
04:13oLevlol indeed
04:42Shoulder Mountwell I guess feeders makes some sense
04:53oLevnot vs ork i think
05:07oLevwith shoota nobz lictor cant approach
05:08Shoulder Mountwith the additional damage to heroes he could snipe the kommando if he's ever at
05:15Shoulder Mounthalf health with flesh hooks and stalk
06:01Shoulder Mounto:
06:22oLevwow big trades
07:11oLevno crippling poison tho?
07:29Shoulder Mountand genes xP
07:32Shoulder Mountwalp
07:57Shoulder Mountdouble geneeess
07:58Shoulder Mounteeeee
08:00Shoulder MountEEEEEEEEE
08:04Shoulder MountI wanaa see this
08:06Shoulder Mountso bad
08:14oLevpls stop ben
09:21oLevgenes in charge of chasing XD
10:08Shoulder Mountooo:
10:12Shoulder Mountbarrel op
10:15ben1993weird barrels maybe
10:20Alicewelp lets re
10:22oLevthx adila