Elite Stats & Leagues

Fedrid Folly • 09:20

Sat 27 Apr 2019 @ 20:13
DoW II Elite
ID: 38118701/34160

DL Zog it
Shoulder Mount
Harmony pushing P
00:19Paino Traini saw that fucking ork base
00:20Paino Trainrip me
00:26Shoulder Mountoof
00:29HarmonyLet's go Orks
00:36Shoulder Mountprobably pianos worse race
00:41Shoulder Mountagainst bests best
00:46Paino Trainneed all the advantages
00:52Paino Trainisnt that what torpid says
00:57Shoulder Mountwait wat
01:02HarmonyHell yeah. I love seeing people in fat armours die
01:06Shoulder Mounto:
01:12[SPL] OceansAteAlaskaharmony is jacked af
01:16Shoulder Mountthey aren't fat they are chunky
01:19HarmonyLmbo thanks Oceans
01:25[SPL] OceansAteAlaskanp lel
01:39Shoulder Mountsneaky bio
01:44Shoulder Mountoh
01:48Shoulder Mountsneaky bio canceling
02:06[SPL] OceansAteAlaskayo shouler
02:08[SPL] OceansAteAlaskashoulder
02:10Shoulder Mountyash
02:12[SPL] OceansAteAlaskawhat u doing on the first of may
02:18Shoulder Mounthmm not much
02:24[SPL] OceansAteAlaskahow about u come over
02:27Shoulder Mounto:
02:31[SPL] OceansAteAlaskaand we drink some vodka
02:40HarmonyDo Shootas beat Scouts in melee?
02:46[SPL] OceansAteAlaskathink so
02:51Shoulder MountI can't I made a vow of drinking chasity ;-;
02:58[SPL] OceansAteAlaskagay
03:17Shoulder Mountstorms before pain? o:
03:32[SPL] OceansAteAlaskapb up
03:36Shoulder Mount;__;
03:37HarmonyI don't see the Painboy much
03:44[SPL] OceansAteAlaskahes strong
03:47Shoulder Mounthe was used a lot in league
04:15HarmonyHe's an Ork. Orkz r strong :D
04:55[SPL] OceansAteAlaskarip piano
05:01[SPL] OceansAteAlaskat2 now +
05:05Shoulder Mountblagh early deff or truck will be paaiin
05:27HarmonySpace Marines have all the tools for everything. He'll be fine
05:33Shoulder Mountwell at least piano can hopefully bleed him like crazy before that
05:37Shoulder Mounttrue and he is tm
05:44Shoulder Mountall the av
06:11[SPL] OceansAteAlaskahe cant afford to bleed rn
06:14Shoulder Mounttfw no tac losses
06:21Shoulder MountI mean asm
06:21[SPL] OceansAteAlaskaasm
07:20HarmonyThe Kommando Nob may not be the biggest ork there is,
07:25Harmonybut he's still pretty big
07:33[SPL] OceansAteAlaskahes a puss
07:48HarmonyCuz he sneaky?
07:48Shoulder MountI wanna see some explosives from him
07:49An'grathulHe's just hidin' 60% of his real bulk
07:51Shoulder Mountin any form
07:53[SPL] OceansAteAlaskaye
07:56Shoulder Mounto:
07:57An'grathulHe's sneaky like that.
08:22Shoulder Mountthe heck sluggas
08:23Paino Train:l
08:28Shoulder Mounthow they do that
08:41HarmonySluggas don't give a fuk about your bullets
08:42Paino Trainwho woulda thought that a 30 power transport is a little bit too stronk
08:44Shoulder MountDD:
08:46HarmonyThey just charge right through
09:04An'grathulTFW Ork trukk "basicaly a T2 baneblade"
09:18[SPL] OceansAteAlaskait is