Elite Stats & Leagues

Fedrid Folly • 28:55

Sat 16 Mar 2019 @ 21:00
DoW II Elite
ID: 37612864/33285

DL Zog it
Shoulder Mount
00:05[SPL] OceansAteAlaskaL
00:09Fathomgl hf
01:06Shoulder Mountoof
01:10Shoulder Mountno capping sluggas top
02:04Shoulder Mountfathom is playing pretty passive with his boyz
02:12Shoulder MountI kind of like it
02:28oLevwell don't want to lose them like last time
03:02oLevhe can teleport straighty diwn there
03:24Shoulder MountSUT fight how wonderful lol
04:49oLevstrange path to take to the sut
05:07Shoulder MountI think fathom can get a gen bash if he does this right
05:25Shoulder Mountnooo
05:27Shoulder Mountfathoooomm
05:59Shoulder Mountocean wut
06:15oLevcmon bash
06:55Shoulder Mountif fathom just targeted that heretics squad he would have gotten a full bash
07:07Shoulder Mountmeeekkk
07:42Shoulder Mountgosh if fathom wins league it will be like the best comeback story ever
08:04Shoulder Mountwipe wiope
08:06Shoulder MountYASSH
08:20Shoulder Mountwipe iwpe ipew
08:29Shoulder Mountglorious
08:29[SPL] OceansAteAlaskaf
08:30[SPL] OceansAteAlaskaf
08:31[SPL] OceansAteAlaskas
08:38Shoulder Mountokay need tank busters
08:41Shoulder Mountin truk
08:46Shoulder Mountyou got dis fathom
09:40Shoulder MountoooOo
09:46Shoulder Mountbeammy is odd
10:19oLevget those slugga nobs asap
10:25Shoulder Mountyash
10:33Shoulder MountI think oceans can still do this too
11:05Shoulder Mountbeaam
11:08Shoulder Mountwatch ouut
12:07Shoulder Mountwelp there are the nobs
14:26Shoulder MountI wonder if fathom is saving his red for a nuke
14:30Shoulder MountI love the ork nuke
15:09oLevgoddamit there are garrisons there
15:29Shoulder Mountwell he does have nade launchers
15:36oLevtruck could flank
15:42Shoulder Mountgo truck gooo
15:46Shoulder MountI believe in uuuu
16:03Shoulder MountI hope he does retreat
16:13Shoulder Mountgen bash gen baaassh'
16:42Shoulder Mountdo sluggas beat bloodletters in melee with nob leader?
16:52oLevwithout worship
17:04NightLovellwhat about brood warriors
17:06Shoulder MountooOoo this should be a fun t3
17:18oLevnever fight BL with warriors lol
17:31oLevyou leap them in to KB then pull them back asap
17:31Shoulder Mountknock them over then ruuuun
17:48NightLovellwhats a god unit to go against BL as nids?
17:58oLevspore mines
18:11oLevor just mass piercing
18:18oLevand poke them with a zoan
18:27Shoulder Mountget a fex :p
18:32oLevdefensively hormas or genes will do
18:46oLevsrsly whats with these constant mass retreats
18:46Shoulder MountooOo if oceans does his worhisp right
18:54Shoulder Mounthe should beat the nobs
19:21Shoulder MountI'm switching sides to team oceans nowz
19:23NightLovellphantom needs to stand his ground
19:23oLevfathom doesn't have the micro to target the tics
19:40Shoulder Mountyea if fathom went in as a whole a couple times he would have won
19:46Shoulder Mountbut he's a careful boi
19:49Shoulder Mounterr
19:55Shoulder Mountexcept right now
20:24Shoulder Mountwait
20:26Shoulder Mountwere is pred
20:29Shoulder Mountoceans ;-;
20:33Shoulder MountI switched teams 4 u
20:55oLevdont see its wreck
21:18oLevjesus stop retreating
21:52Shoulder Mounta weird boy would be nice
22:06oLevyes a wierd boy vomit really fucks with the BLs
22:07Shoulder MountI still believe in the oceans
22:16Shoulder Mounthe can just
22:17Shoulder Mountoh
22:31oLevattacking one unit at a time
22:41Shoulder Mountlol those beam lootas
23:24Shoulder Mountfathom needs a truck not more nobs
23:37Shoulder Mountoceans needs to sit there and be amazingz
23:45Shoulder MountI wonder how long this chat log is
24:25Shoulder Mountoh he's going after the tics now
24:56Shoulder Mounthe should get that srhine though
25:09oLevthis micro is painful
25:23NightLovellany tips for micro?
25:32oLevdon't do what you're seeing
25:39NightLovellhahah ok
25:44Shoulder Mountfathom needs a tank noooow
26:14oLevsending one unit at a time losing the fight then sending the next
27:00NightLovellit works for tyranids sometimes
27:11oLevwtf are you taling about
27:27Shoulder Mountoceans is lagging hard he said
27:37oLevhis fault for abusing PC
28:00Shoulder Mountoceeans you got this litterally just keep doing papa nurgle prouuud
28:45Fathomi lost due to the map
28:48[SPL] OceansAteAlaska:p