Elite Stats & Leagues

Siwal Frontier • 17:45

Sun 14 Oct 2018 @ 0:41
DoW II Elite
ID: 35678978/29400

DL Zog it
14:00Rambo-kinda messed up on that other engagement
14:06Commander Keenabit
14:08Rambo-iw as curious wat cause that supression
14:25Rambo-u only had pc heal right?
14:27Rambo-no devs
14:30Commander Keenyep
14:32Rambo-but there was supression
14:33Commander Keenlost raptors
14:35Commander Keenarmour
14:51Rambo-so that was it
15:02Rambo-i thought there was devs but i didnt spoit it
15:06Commander Keennah
15:10Commander Keennoise
15:13Rambo-shouldve focus on that P first
15:35Rambo-well the vp seems fair
15:42Rambo-so i aint disappointed abt it
15:46Commander Keenyep
15:56Rambo-just disappointed on my engagement
16:03Rambo-that first one when i lost FC
16:05Commander Keenthats what u need 2 pratice
16:08Commander Keenyour bilds are fine
16:11Commander Keenbuilds
16:22Rambo-yeah just wasnt sure wat caused the supression lol
16:29Commander Keenpoo armour
16:32Rambo-if i knew i wouldve avoided it
16:43Rambo-yeah i use PC but thats first time i saw that
16:44Commander Keeni dont like asm vs pc
16:55Rambo-atleast i know that armor helps
16:58Commander Keenhe coutersns them 2 easy
17:05Rambo-u had 3 heretics?
17:09Commander Keen2
17:17Rambo-ah okay felt like more
17:37Rambo-one more or u gotta go?
17:42Commander Keeni have 2 stop
17:43Commander Keenits late