Elite Stats & Leagues

Green Tooth Gorge • 14:55

Mon 20 Aug 2018 @ 11:19
DoW II Elite
ID: 35109106/28476

DL Zog it
00:12General JBgl hf man
06:30General JBwow
06:34General JBshees still OP
10:29General JBstupid
10:37General JByou dont see brightlance shot
10:38HansDošelyou were out of range
10:50General JBreally eldar are OP
11:26General JBsure
11:39HansDošelmore than in vanilla ?
12:02General JBahahaha
12:10General JBi did merciless and it diodnt accure
12:13General JBhgahahahaha
12:15General JBeldar
12:19General JBjust straight OP