Elite Stats & Leagues

Calderis Refinery • 20:05

Fri 29 Jun 2018 @ 16:21
DoW II Elite 2.7.2
ID: 34439282/26585

DL Zog it


Torpid AP
Don Fr33man XII
Little Anaconda
00:09Torpidgl hf
00:11XDtfw last resort cl
00:25Torpideh, I dunno, i don't fear CL, so long as I don't micro too badly
00:28TorpidCS is the best counter
00:35XDalready fucking up xd
00:52Don Fr33man XII.
01:48Zevargel2 csm...
01:56Don Fr33man XIIidk why
01:58Doggy lovergg wp
02:02hfseiddoes anyone stream now?
02:05Doggy loverezy lose
02:14Zevargelit will be over in 5 min
03:07XDnot teh fuckign snipers again
03:16Zevargel2 snipers and one sergant+shotguns again
03:30Don Fr33man XIIjust noise and halo
05:28Zevargelhe just need granade launchers and combi flamer
06:38Zevargelbut bc will work good in t2)
07:05Zevargelwell no power no bc xD
10:09XDfuck your razorback :(
17:05Don Fr33man XIIol
17:12Zevargelit was good
17:20Zevargelcum back
17:28Zevargelor still t3 of cheat race will fOOk all
17:53Zevargelo no
17:57Zevargelit's epic fail
17:59Don Fr33man XIIboth can work
17:59Zevargeldread now
18:17Don Fr33man XIIhe does not have any more pop for av
18:21Torpidtaht cl
18:24Torpidmigjht be aqn issue
18:37XD90 vps is an issue too
19:39XDthe fuck was that plasma dps
19:42XDholy shit
20:02XDtoo much bleed