Elite Stats & Leagues

Green Tooth Gorge • 15:33

Thu 17 May 2018 @ 13:55
DoW II Elite 2.7.2
ID: 33834502/25434

DL Zog it
00:20Reg9678you're improving quickly astra btw
03:00Radio GANGyikesters
03:13Radio GANGare u guys like a party of 4?
03:20Radio GANGok
03:33Radio GANGgood sm players are disgusting
03:39Radio GANGits so hard to peel models
03:40LOCALgHOSTi will lose - ull see
03:56astranautai play eldar
03:57astranautafeel that
04:01Radio GANGxd
04:06Radio GANGeldar is omega disgusting
04:10astranautafuk u
04:15Radio GANGi mean
04:16Radio GANG1 1 1 build
04:20Radio GANGcan dumpster anything
04:33astranauta1 1 1 being
04:40Radio GANGshes ranger setup
04:54Radio GANGactualy
04:57Radio GANGu dont need setup
05:40astranautai never said i was a good eldar
06:05Radio GANGu never did o3o
06:21Radio GANGi only faught against them also
06:23astranauta>ASMs can't just enter the building
06:49Radio GANG>rts
06:53Radio GANG>realistic mechanics
06:59Radio GANGxd
07:20astranauta>can't call down a drop pod on buildings
08:06astranautaif we talk realistic mechanics, equipment abilities would be charge based (^:
08:37Radio GANGim implying there is no realistic rts, mechanicly
08:46astranautai know
08:50Radio GANGthus u cant clear garrisons with melee
09:02Radio GANGim so bad at making friends sorry
09:05astranautabut asm should be able to clear a building because they have chainswords and the
09:10astranautapeople in the buildings don't have chainswords
09:20Radio GANGdespacito
10:41astranautai hate how good flamers are at burning metal too
11:51Radio GANGisnt snipers good on sm v sm?
12:04astranautabut look at TH fc
12:08astranautaflamer does more damage than it
13:03astranautaghost is winning because he teched plasmas
14:11Radio GANGlmao
14:30astranautaseriously though i wish this game was more like DOW 1
14:40Radio GANGnah dow 1 is a shitshow
14:48astranautayou're a shitshow
14:57Radio GANGand imt talking about
14:58astranautadow1 has SOB
15:04Radio GANGcomparing it to retail dow
15:06astranautai miss SoB.
15:07Radio GANGdow 2 *
15:14Radio GANGoh u mean the uh
15:16Radio GANGamount of races?
15:19Radio GANGsame
15:22Reg9678i guess its gg
15:23astranautaand basebuilding
15:24Reg9678i did bad
15:33Radio GANGidk i came to like elite