Elite Stats & Leagues

Siwal Frontier • 15:55

Tue 16 May 2017 @ 21:54
DoW II Elite 2.7.0
ID: 29110275/15872

DL Zog it
Esox Lucius
00:11The great Cornholio2 tirred for anything serious 2day
00:50TorpidI will concede before i win
00:57Torpidif you so care about your point mister ;)
00:59The great Cornholiofish and chips
02:06Torpidbalance bolts
02:12The great Cornholiou wanted them buffed
02:18Torpidhahaha ikr
02:19The great Cornholiobut corn
02:20Torpidfuck that
02:21The great Cornholiosaid no
04:58Torpidmisclicked :(
05:01Torpidhence no leap to save la
05:04The great Cornholiowelcome 2 my world
08:55The great Cornholioare u trying
09:01Torpidwell look at vps
14:13The great Cornholioi pressed
15:20The great Cornholiowell
15:21The great Cornholiogg
15:50The great Cornholioconcede
15:51The great Cornholioor