Elite Stats & Leagues

Ashes of Typhon • 22:29

Mon 4 Apr 2016 @ 15:20
DoW II Elite 2.5.1
ID: 19349397/5539

DL Zog it
Bruce Campbell
00:05Bombasticoh baby
00:11Bruce Campbella triple
00:22twitch.tv/Tex_dow2gl hf
00:26Big Mathisu2
03:19Bombasticso much micro
03:23Bombastictahts why i dont like sm
15:33Bruce Campbellmathis got alot of resource
15:53Bombasticsaving for a baneblade
15:58Bruce CampbellxD
16:39Bruce Campbellis it true if PC kills baneblade with plague sword he summons his own
16:59Bombasticthis is a lie
17:01Bruce Campbelllol ik
17:02Bombasticwho told u this
17:10Bruce Campbellthe mad hatter
17:17Bombasticprobably venjitron
18:03Bruce Campbellsorc can use purgation on baneblade then make it shoot itself in the face
18:16Bruce Campbelltrue or false
18:27Bruce Campbellcorrect answer
18:37Bombastici am too gud
18:42Bombastictoo cool for school
18:49Bruce Campbellyou've taken this quiz b4
19:03Bombasticthis is whu i tell my parents
19:07Bombastichoi i dont need school
19:13Bombastici am gud in these kind of quizes
19:20Bruce Campbellxd
19:44Bombastictex pro sm
19:52Bruce Campbelltru
19:59Bombastici thought he was shit with sm
21:07Bombasticshit map though
21:15Bombastichate this crap
21:15Bruce Campbelli hate this map
21:23Bruce Campbellcrew always plays it
21:36Bruce Campbelltoo big
21:40Bombastici alwys veto this thing
21:42Bruce Campbelland gay
22:04Bombasticcouldnt veto this one with mrt
22:11Bombasticwas starting map
22:16Bruce Campbellyea
22:22Bruce Campbellis that when ace shrekt you
22:27Big Mathisgg