Elite Stats & Leagues

Fedrid Folly • 09:17

Mon 4 Apr 2016 @ 1:29
DoW II Elite 2.5.1
ID: 19330373/5508

DL Zog it
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01:09Inquisitor LeVertsaber, what were your thoughts on that last game?
01:29Saberyou did pretty good and i tihnk you won when you got his power farm with the deff dr
01:44Saberhe never replenished it and he had the req for it for quite a while for some reason
02:09Inquisitor LeVertmore tacs is never bad vs orks, but I would have got a webo eventually
02:17Inquisitor LeVertthe asm loss was the turning point beofre then he was beating me
02:26Saberat first it looked like he had you down with the map control though, you surprised m
02:31Saberme by pulling back in
02:39Inquisitor LeVertand when I lost my lootas i panicked but then fortunately somehow I got the asm
02:48Inquisitor LeVertthat knife on the k-nob is deceptively strong
02:55Inquisitor LeVertit's 70dps I think
02:58Inquisitor LeVertinsane for a t1 weapon
03:01Saberyeah drops models insanely fast
03:12Saberhey mind if i add you?
03:17Inquisitor LeVertgo for it
03:40Inquisitor LeVertI found the dread a strange choice though tbh
04:00Saberit was, but he had no av before you rekt his power
04:10Inquisitor LeVerti would have gone for las-devs for the DD and then since he was floated req got some
04:13Inquisitor LeVertmore tacs for sterns
04:17Inquisitor LeVertsterns own orks
04:26Sabersterns are elite only?
04:29Inquisitor LeVertthen more asm after to counter the inevitable weirdboy
04:31Inquisitor LeVertyes they are
04:47Inquisitor LeVertbasically just extra high dps tacs
04:54Inquisitor LeVertgreat ranged superiority unit
04:59Saberso for openings do you go for whats most comfortable to you or counter what you thin
05:02Saberthink he'll do?
05:15Inquisitor LeVertI always play reactive personally
05:27Sabermakes sense
05:30Inquisitor LeVertof course the very first caping order/build choice is me guessing what he is likely
05:32Inquisitor LeVertto be doing
05:45Saberadded ya, i think
05:46Inquisitor LeVertso it changes not just with the racemap but the player too if I know them :P
05:56Sabernot sur eif its another inquisitor levert but idt so :P
05:57Inquisitor LeVertyeah, added you back
06:45Inquisitor LeVertneed more shurikens vs pc
06:51Saberso with farseer should i just cap at first? she sucks at fighting early
07:08Inquisitor LeVertwith all the eldar you should avoid direct confrontation early on
07:28Inquisitor LeVertfarseer actually does more damage than the wl and has a way better special attack
07:35Inquisitor LeVertobviously she lacks destructor and has a little less hp
07:40Inquisitor LeVertbut they both are not great early on is my point
07:54Saberoh ok, will keep that in mind. i just rushed in with banshees all the time :P
08:10Inquisitor LeVertyeah, definitely don't want to that, esp vs tacticals/csm/strike squad
08:21Inquisitor LeVertonly if they are entirely alone
08:36Inquisitor LeVertif they're not then just back off and stalk them like prey
08:38Saberyeah i tihnk its a very different mind set from other games
08:49Inquisitor LeVertyou have to be very patient playing eldar
08:52Sabertaking risks is almost never a good idea here